Thanks for your interest in joining Stormpoint. We ask for the following information in order to ensure that your proposed character fits within our environment. Aspiring Jedi Knights, power-mad genetic scientists, and gin-smuggling gangsters may be interesting, but they would be somewhat out of place within the cobblestone streets of Stormpoint.

If your interest is still intact and we haven't scared you off, we look forward to receiving your application. Our editors' schedules are not always entirely compatible, so please be patient in awaiting a response. We'll let you know when we receive your application and get back to you with an answer as quickly as possible.
Real name (if desired):


Character Name:

Character Gender:

Character Race (e.g., human, elven, kindred, etc . . .):

Character Vocation/Class (e.g., mage, merchant, farmer, warrior, innkeeper, bard, noble, etc ...):

Does your character tend towards good or evil:

Tell us a little bit about your character (e.g., character background, world view, special abilities, alignment, likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies):

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